Learn about Enosi
“Ekpedeftiki Enosi” offers high standard and quality-oriented vocational training, a perfect example in the field of private education and training. Both the private Vocational Training Institute and Lifelong Learning Center 1 offer modern courses in highly-valued domains, in line with market-driven trends, ensuring direct professional settlement of graduates
The trainees complete their studies in a friendly, creative, human-centered and student-centered learning environment. The quality of studies and the high standard of vocational training combined with assured practice in top-notch partner companies guarantee a successful professional career.
Besides, trainees and graduates can achieve personal development and become more competitive in the labor market because they have the possibility to attend an array of educational activities like seminars, lectures, workshops, social and cultural activities.
Located in the center of Athens, Syntagma square, the premises are easily accessible by all transportation means, thus, making student commuting particularly easy.
IEK ENOSI (acknowledged by the General Secretary for Lifelong Learning / National Organization for the Certification and Vocational Guidance, license nr. IEK 156127/K1/20-9-17, Government Gazette 3360/B’/22-9-17) offers recognized professional education and training. Graduates obtain a powerful state diploma corresponding to the National Framework of Qualifications, ensuring, this way, their dynamic and competitive integration into labor market. Lifelong Learning Center 2, licensed by the National Organization for the Certification and Vocational Guidance, official partner of the Ministry of Education (license code: 192083980) offers up to date education and training programs tailor made to labor market demands.
Most of them are e-learning programs with duration between 30 and 500 hours, offered through our user-friendly platform, adapted to adult learner needs. Supplementary computer programs in our fully-equipped computer lab along with monthly seminars support students and graduates’ further personal and professional development.
Our institute also provides the opportunity for Practice, Counseling and Professional Orientations for further trainee support and assistance through its corresponding offices.
Our high social responsibility combined with our philosophy for high quality education for all social groups shape the frame of our success.
You can find more information about your studies and various fields of expertize in our website.
IEK ENOSI acknowledged by the General Secretary for Lifelong Learning / National Organization for the Certification and Vocational Guidance, license nr. IEK 156127/K1/20-9-17, Government Gazette 3360/B’/22-9-17
Lifelong Learning Center 2
licensed by the National Organization for the Certification and Vocational Guidance, official partner of the Ministry of Education (license code: 192083980
Μαζί μας μπορείς.
Η φιλοσοφία μας
Μαζί μας μπορείς.
Το σήμα μας
Το "Ε", κοινό αρχικό γράμμα στην ονομασία Εκπαιδευτική Ένωση, ολοκληρώνεται οπτικά με την προσθήκη του συμβόλου της έγκρισης και της επιτυχίας.
Παρομοίως, η αποστολή της Εκπαιδευτικής Ένωσης ολοκληρώνεται με την επιτυχία των σπουδαστών μας και την προσωπική και επαγγελματική εξέλιξή τους.
Το σήμα μας πλαισιώνεται από ένα κύκλο, το σύμβολο της ολοκλήρωσης. Αναλόγως, οι σπουδές στην Εκπαιδευτική Ένωση έχουν σαν στόχο την προσωπική ολοκλήρωση και καταξίωση μέσα από την αυτοπραγμάτωση που προσφέρει η συστηματική προσωπική καλλιέργεια και η ανάδειξη των ατομικών δεξιοτήτων, κλίσεων και ικανοτήτων.
Κοντά σε όλους
Η συνεχής εξέλιξη είναι ένας παγκόσμιος κοινός τόπος. Πιστεύουμε ότι όλοι πρέπει να έχουν πρόσβαση σε μια εκπαίδευση που παρέχει τα ποιοτικά χαρακτηριστικά που απαιτούνται για την ενεργό συμμετοχή σε έναν ταχέως εξελισσόμενο κόσμο. Αυτό το όραμα συμβολίζει η τοποθεσία των εγκαταστάσεών μας στο πιο κεντρικό σημείο της πρωτεύουσας, στην πλατεία Συντάγματος - το πιο προσβάσιμο σημείο από όλη την Αθήνα.
Ταυτόχρονα, οι ειδικότητές μας, τα προγράμματα σπουδών μας, οι εκπαιδευτές μας, το διοικητικό προσωπικό μας, οι σπουδαστές μας και το δίκτυο συνεργαζόμενων επιχειρήσεων που απασχολούν τους αποφοίτους μας, όλα συμβάλλουν στη μοναδική ποιότητα της εκπαίδευσής μας, η οποία είναι προσβάσιμη σε όλους και αυτό εκφράζει το μήνυμά μας: "Μαζί μας μπορείς!"
Μαζί μας μπορείς.
Practice of the course “Technician of Designing, adjusting and applying prosthetic parts, orthotics and rehabilitation components” is carried out in collaboration with Kifidis’ company. Kifidis Orthopedics has been a manufacturing, import and commercial company of orthopedics in Greece and abroad since 1919.
Based on full scientific training, qualified in Germany and graduate of special orthopedic components construction, Christoforos Kifidis is responsible for students’ practice in his up to date fully equipped premises. Students are given the possibility to familiarize with real workplace conditions and direct integration into labor market
International Students Identity Card (ISIC) is the only identity card that certifies student identity, fully recognized worldwide. It has been issued under the auspices of UNESCO since 1959 by ISIC Association, a non-profit organization in Amsterdam.
It offers more than 42 thousand discounts in Greece, Europe and worldwide in museum tickets, cinema, theater, bars, restaurants, clothing and sports retail shops, hotels, camping, buses, trains, ships, airplanes, etc.
Ekpedeftiki Enosi in collaboration with Quinta Organization offers courses in cinema, theater, psychology, creative writing, music, journalism and computers.
Graduates of either General or Vocational Lyceum can enroll in HND, B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. full time, part time or e-learning courses.
Graduates have the possibility to continue their studies in affiliate British Universities through their enrolment in the second or third year of studies for B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. in full time, par time or e-learning courses.
International Students Identity Card (ISIC) is the only identity card that certifies student identity, fully recognized worldwide. It has been issued under the auspices of UNESCO since 1959 by ISIC Association, a non-profit organization in Amsterdam.
It offers more than 42 thousand discounts in Greece, Europe and worldwide in museum tickets, cinema, theater, bars, restaurants, clothing and sports retail shops, hotels, camping, buses, trains, ships, airplanes, etc.
Enosi Philippines Training Institute
Based on primary and distinguished educational programs, Ekpedeftiki Enosi “exports” knowledge on an international level! Enosi Philippines Training Institute is a recognized Training Center in the Philippines, an extension of Ekpedeftiki Enosi, established in the field of education, grabbing the attention of even more students to fields of expertise for international career paths. State of the Art premises, highly qualified trainers, educational visits to workplaces, seminars, awards and special educational courses for the most modern occupations make Enosi Philippines Training Institute distinctive.
Sharing knowledge and experience on an interactive base between Greece and abroad provides students with the possibility to learn more about occupations tied to their interests, while becoming fully aware of its applications and possibilities.
Vocational Training Institutes are a relatively new educational institution in Greece and offer fields of specialization tailor made to labor market and production demands. In other European countries, business robustness and competitiveness are primarily based on post-secondary vocational training.
Post-secondary vocational training was established in Greece based on L. 2009/1992. The Vocational Education and Training Organization was also established to monitor policy making and planning in domestic vocational education and training. Post-secondary vocational training, corresponding to the area between Secondary and Tertiary education, was designed according to other European countries corresponding system operations. It is aimed at highly specialized training of people and grants diplomas, as happens in Europe, certifying holders’ theoretical and practical abilities toward dynamically integrating into labor market and strongly contributing to the local production and economic development.
Adult education and training is a lifelong and life-wide process in each person’s lifespan. Maintaining and developing new skills depends on continuing education as a means of keeping up with structural changes and technical developments, job maintenance and career furthering for all people.
Lifelong Learning Center 2 Ekpedeftiki Enosi follows up these trends and offers to young people and anyone interested an array of modern fields of specialization through educational programs aiming at building further qualifications for their integration into the labor market and maintenance of job position, beyond simple qualifications acquisition in certain fields.
You can access www.edu-enosi.gr for further information about educational programs and courses offered by the Lifelong Learning Center 2 Ekpedeftiki Enosi.
Παναγιώτα Μπότσιου
Ιδρύτρια - Πρόεδρος
Γιώργος Βλαχάκης
Επιχειρησιακός Διευθυντής
Βασίλης Κράλλης
Υπεύθυνος Μάρκετινγκ